New Build
New builds will be inspected by the Council on a regular basis whilst they are being built. The Law requires the Council to issue a completion notice for a newly erected building as soon as it comes to our attention that the remaining work can reasonably be expected to be completed within three months.
Completion Notice
The Completion Notice sets out the completion date for the purpose of unoccupied property rating. It is not the date the work must be finished by, but it serves to establish the day from which the three month period of exemption starts or six months for industrial buildings.
A completion notice may be served on the whole of a building or part of a building.
If you do not agree with the completion date you should contact the Business Rates department immediately. We will try to come to an agreement with you, but if agreement cannot be reached you may appeal to the local Valuation Tribunal, please visit the Valuation Tribunal Service website.