About apprenticeships

Could a local government apprenticeship be for you?

Apprenticeships are designed to be an opportunity for individuals to combine practical training in a job with study. 

An apprentice will

  • learn and train for a specific job 
  • get paid and receive holiday pay
  • get hands-on experience in a real job 
  • study at least 20% of their working hours – some of this will be with a training provider, or at a college or university 
  • complete assessments during and at the end of their apprenticeship. Known as an end point assessment or EPA (End Point Assessment) 
  • spend a minimum duration of 12 months on their apprenticeship training 

There are two types of apprenticeships at the Isle of Wight Council

New start apprenticeship
This is a new position which could be either fixed term or permanent. If you don't work for us yet, you can find a job vacancy.

Upskilling as existing staff

  • open to anyone employed by the Isle of Wight Council
  • approval needed from your line manager 
  • relevant to you role
  • your employment with us must be long enough for you to complete your apprenticeship programme 
  • check out our apprenticeship opportunities available to staff

This is a great way to upskill our workforce, keep staff and support workforce planning. 

You can apply for an apprenticeship if you are 16 years of age or older. Not in full time education. Living in and entitled to work in England.

apprenticeship word in black with a blue wing feather style burst around the A on white background

Apprenticeship Levels and Pay

Each apprenticeship has a level and an equivalent education level. At the end of the apprenticeship, the apprentice will achieve the equivalent education level.

For example, if the apprentice completes a level 3 apprenticeship, they will achieve the equivalent of an A level. 

There are different types of apprenticeships available, visit the government website: Apprenticeship Standards

This information is for employees employed on an apprenticeship contract

The table below provides the rates of pay for intermediate and advanced level (levels 2 and 3) apprenticeships. 

Higher Level Apprenticeships, (level 4 and above). These are paid at 80% of the evaluated grade required for the job until the successful completion of the full apprenticeship. 

Apprenticeship Level
Equivalent educational level 
New start apprentice 
Current employee  
Intermediate25 GCSE passes at grades A* to C 
National Minimum wage (under 21) or, National Living Wage (21+) * 
No change to pay or job title. Existing pay and title remain the same regardless of apprenticeship level.

Pay/job title may change upon completion of apprenticeship, if part of a career graded position. 
Advanced32 A level passes 
National Minimum wage (under 21) or, National Living Wage (21+) * 
Higher4HNC and certificate of higher education (CertHE) 
80% of the evaluated pay
Higher5Foundation degree and above 
80% of the evaluated pay
Degree6 and 7Bachelor’s or Master’s degree 
80% of the evaluated pay

Rates are reviewed annually in line with national minimum and living wage pay awards

Eligibility criteria

To start an apprenticeship a person must be

  • 16 or over 
  • living in England and meet the residency criteria (usually must have been resident for 3 years) please read the funding rules carefully for clarification 
  • not in full-time education, undertaking another apprenticeship or other training as set out in the Apprenticeship funding rules: Apprenticeship funding rules - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Apprenticeships can help address skills shortages within services. Workplace learning makes an apprentice a valuable asset to any team. We can unlock talent within our local community assisting in the regeneration of the Isle of Wight by retaining skilled people.

If you have any questions, please email IWCapprenticeships@iow.gov.uk

In this section

Apprentice support

Apprenticeship opportunities