Research Governance Framework

Do you need to do research into Adult Social Care (ASC)?

A person smiling while using a electronic tablet wearing a hat and warm coat and glasses

Research Governance Framework information

If you need to undertake research the information and resources on this page will help you. 

You will find information about:

  1. Undertaking social care or related research on the Isle of Wight
  2. Getting started
  3. Preparing a principled application
  4. Writing the research proposal
  5. Access, monitoring and supervision arrangements
  6. The role of the sponsor
  7. Managing risks
  8. Appeals and complaints
  9. Guaranteeing high standards of research on the Isle of Wight
  10. Glossary of Terms

Before you start

To establish if your study is considered research, and to identify if your study requires Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval please follow these steps:

  1. Complete the HRA tool Is my study research?
  2. Complete the HRA tool Do I need NHS REC approval?
  3. Studies requiring REC approval must have an application submitted via the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS)
  4. If your study is classified as research, but you do not need REC approval, we will send you the Isle of Wight Council research application form to complete.

Who do I contact about my research activities?

For social care research governance enquiries,  email: