Adult social care reform on the Isle of Wight
Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund
As part of the government’s adult social care reform agenda, local authorities are required to work with care and support providers to carry out an exercises designed to identify the local cost of providing care.
People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform white paper - GOV.UK
Market sustainability and fair cost of care fund 2022 to 2023 guidance - GOV.UK
The funds made available to local authorities, and the exercises are intended to support:
- local authorities to lead the reform of their market place in preparation for the further commencement of Section 18(3) of the Care Act 2014 in October 2023.
- local authorities develop a more detailed understanding of what it costs moving towards understanding and paying providers a fair cost of care.
In undertaking these exercises, we have engaged with local providers to obtain information directly from them. This identified, based on local provider submissions, the lower quartile, median and upper quartile costs in the local area for the following care categories:
- 65+ care homes
- standard residential care
- residential care for enhanced needs
- standard nursing care
- nursing care for enhanced needs
- 18+ domiciliary care.
The information received from local providers has been helpful. We are very grateful to the limited number of domiciliary care agencies and care homes that took the time to responded to this exercise.
All the information we collected has been considered in detail as part of the councils financial planning for 2023/2024.
Our Findings