Professional domestic abuse forum and training

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, injured, or a crime is being committed, call 999 now.

Information for the public is on our domestic abuse web pages.

If it is not an emergency, but you are a member of the public with a domestic abuse concern about yourself or someone else, contact Paragon  on 0800 234 6266 or email

Domestic Abuse Forum (DAF)

The Domestic Abuse Forum (DAF) is part of the Community Safety Partnership. Its membership includes officers from the following services:

  • Isle of Wight Council (Children’s Services, Adults’ Social Care, Public Health, Local Member portfolio holder for Community Safety)
  • Hampshire Constabulary
  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service
  • NHS Trust
  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight Probation Service
  • Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group
  • service providers for those suffering from Domestic Abuse (Paragon, WOW, Hampton Trust and Barnardo’s)
  • service providers for those suffering from drug and alcohol related issues
  • Office of the Police Crime Commissioner
  • Isle of Wight College
  • Age UK.

A forum is held quarterly to:

  • provide effective leadership in the areas of domestic abuse
  • share strategic objectives and a joint-approach enabled across all services and sectors
  • promote multi-agency working and collective decision-making
  • share comprehensive information and data collection.

DAF strategy and priorities

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 introduces a broad range of new measures designed to strengthen the UK response to domestic abuse. Part four of the Act places a duty on each tier one local authority in England to prepare and publish a strategy for the provision of support within safe accommodation. View the draft Provision of support within safe accommodation (PDF, 518KB).

The current priorities for the DAF are:

  • to prevent domestic abuse and associated harm from taking place
  • to plan and deliver co-ordinated, effective and sustainable services to victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse
  • to understand our local needs and priorities for future planning with regards to domestic abuse services.

If you wish to discuss DAF work or have any news, events, or training which you would like us to consider, contact us direct.

Additional resources which may be of use include:

Domestic abuse poster

A poster campaign was launched across the Island in 2020. You can download for free and use our Domestic abuse can affect anyone poster (PDF, 339KB).

Free training

The Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (SCP) and Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) run training and events within the community on domestic abuse. Use these links to learn more about on the courses available.

Domestic abuse awareness and its impact on children

The training aims to provide an understanding of the subject and the impact that it has on children. This training is available through our learning hub. If you can't access this, request to be set up by contacting

Both of these modules will need to be completed prior to attending any of the other courses listed.

Dragonfly Project

The Dragonfly project works with isolated communities across the Island. This project aims to raise awareness about domestic violence and abuse, and to enable communities to support each other. Free training is provided by Paragon. 

Professionals who work directly with the public are often the first person somebody in a domestic abuse relationship may have contact with. By attending the free domestic abuse workshop you can become a champion. You will: 

  • receive dragonfly badge to wear with pride (dragonfly badges let people affected by domestic abuse know who they can talk to)
  • receive a window sticker (dragonfly stickers are to be displayed in the windows of organisations, schools, and shops so members of the community can see it)
  • be able to speak about what you have learned
  • be able to offer guidance to those experiencing domestic abuse should they approach you. 

Call 0800 234 6266 (Paragon) for more information.

Reducing Parental Conflict 

The Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) programme is aimed at conflict below the threshold of domestic abuse. When addressing parental conflict in a relationship practitioners should continue to be vigilant and confident there are no indicators of domestic abuse, including coercive and controlling behaviour. If there are signs of controlling behaviour that adversely affects one person in a relationship, this can be an indicator of an abusive relationship.

Where there is domestic abuse, there is an imbalance of power. One parent may be fearful of the other; this is not parental conflict.

Conflict between parents is normal. However, if it is frequent, intense, and poorly resolved, it can have a damaging effect on children. Often resulting in long-term mental health issues and emotional, social, behavioural, and academic problems as they grow up. Today there is a growing awareness of the importance and quality of the relationship between parents, whether they are together or separated. The need to address any conflict is in the best interest of the children.

More information is available at Support and Advice for Families