Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- JSNA overview Explains what the JSNA is
- COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment This report provides a look back at what the Covid-19 pandemic has meant to our local populations
- JSNA Demography Key demographic data and trends across the Isle of Wight
- JSNA Births and Deaths Data indicating the key patterns and trends in births and deaths across the Isle of Wight
- JSNA Healthy Lives Data about risks, causes and protective factors which influence IW health
- JSNA Healthy People Data about the health of Isle of Wight residents
- JSNA Healthy People - Long-Term Conditions Data about the long-term conditions of Isle of Wight residents
- JSNA Healthy Places Data about the importance of healthy places for Isle of Wight residents
- JSNA Mental Health and Wellbeing Index Data about the mental health and wellbeing of Isle of Wight residents
- JSNA Inclusion Health Groups Data about inclusion health groups across the Isle of Wight
- English Indices of Deprivation Information about the local level deprivation
- JSNA data reports Access to the JSNA data reports
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS JSNA presentations Information about the Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS
- Maps A range of information based maps
- JSNA information - previous years Archived JSNA information and data from 2013 to 2019
- COVID-19 Data and Intelligence (Historical) Historical COVID-19 data
- HIOW STP JSNA presentation (Historical) Information about the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP)