
The Record Office keeps microfiche copies of wills proved in the:

  • Archdeacon’s Court Diocese of Winchester 1587 to 1653, 1660 to 1857
  • Bishop’s/Consistory Court, Diocese of Winchester 1600 to 1635, 1660 to 1741.

These wills relate to people residing in the Isle of Wight or Hampshire. A microfiche index (1571 to 1858) is available arranged by personal name, place name and occupation. A complete set of these wills can be consulted at the Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester.

In addition, copies of wills for various dates can be found among family, estate and solicitors papers deposited in the record office. These wills can be located by searching either the Personal Names Index or Place Index in the search room.

Pre-1600 and post-1858 Wills

For pre-1600 and post-1858 wills, contact the Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester. Post-1858 wills to present day are also available at the Principal Probate Registry, First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn, London WC1V NP, or call 020 7936 7000.

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills

The complete series of wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (from 1384 to 1857) has been made available on The National Archives Discovery.
