Do pharmacy services meet your needs?

Published: 17 May 2022

This is your opportunity to comment and help make a difference, shaping future pharmacy needs.

The council has a responsibility to consult on the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) every three years.

The PNA details the needs of Islanders in relation to local pharmacy services. It also considers if the provision is suitable for the local population and identifies any possible gaps.

Please tell us what works and what can be improved by completing our survey.

Following the consultation, and when the PNA is agreed, NHS England will use the assessment in considering future applications by pharmacies for new premises, additional or changes to existing services.

Councillor Karl Love, Cabinet member for adult social care and public health, said: “Local pharmacy services are a lifeline for our communities, especially during the pandemic.

"We need to hear about your experiences, what works well and what will help change things for the better.

"Pharmacies are often the first port of call when we feel unwell, providing valuable advice and support. They relieve the pressure on our GP and hospital services too. We all use our local pharmacy, from helping with tablets for a headache to collecting our prescription for occasional or regular medication.

"Pharmacists are qualified to give expert advice on medicines and how they work, as well as help you decide whether you need to see a doctor. 

"The services are reviewed every three years so it is important we use this opportunity to seek and listen to your opinions about the service we need, available to us locally.”

To have your say click here, or write to S. Squibb, County Hall, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD, by 17 July.