Exam results

Just got your exam results? What next?

What to do after you get your GCSE or A-level results

When you receive A-level and GCSE results, you will be look forward to taking the next step. You might also be worried if you don't have plans, or your exam results are not what you expected.

Island Futures can help you decide on the best route to a successful future!

The team provides advice, guidance and ongoing support for young people aged 16 to 19. If you have a learning up to 25 with learning difficulty and /or have a disability, we can support you until you are 25.

Book an appointment - contact the Island Futures Team:

For some of you, one discussion may be enough. If you need ongoing support, one of the progression coaches will be there until you are on the right path.

Child benefit

For young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment, Training), child benefit may stop by the cut off date of 31 August if they are not registered with the Island Futures team. It is therefore important that all young people who are NEET register with the Island Futures team to be issued with an extended child benefit claim form. View further details of the law relating to Child Benefit on the GOV.UK website.