Island welcomes Coburg delegation to mark 40 years of friendship
Published: 31 May 2023
The Island welcomed a delegation of more than 30 guests from Coburg in Bavarian, Germany, at the weekend.
The visit was arranged by the Isle of Wight German Twinning Association to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the official twinning between the two areas.
Councillor Claire Critchison, chair of the Isle of Wight Council, and Mrs Kate Collins, Deputy Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, hosted a reception at the Museum of Island History at Newport's historic Guildhall.
The museum has put on a special commemorative display of Coburg, a town located on the Itz river in the Upper Franconia region of Bavaria, and the gifts exchanged between the two communities over the many years of association.
In very British style, the group, led by Maria Krumm, were treated to morning tea with a cake selection that included marmalade drizzle cake.
They were then presented with a jar of marmalade, made by prize-winning maker, 11-year-old Flora Rider.
Photo shows: Mrs Kate Collins DL, Maria Krumm from Coburg, 11-year-old Flora Rider, Councillor Claire Critchison and Peter Jackson, chair of the Isle of Wight German Twinning Association.