Junior Travel Ambassadors

Junior Travel Ambassadors Logo

The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme invites primary schools to recruit a small group of children from years 5 and 6 (Key Stage 2). These children will lead on an annual programme of road safety, including assemblies and competitions.

Road safety is an important life skill for children to learn, all throughout their school years. Providing good quality road safety education teaches children how to behave safe and responsibly when travelling to and from school. Having these skills instilled in children at an early age helps them to stay safe for their lifetime. especially as they grow older and begin to gain their own independence.

Promoting active travel throughout childhood helps children to understand why active modes of travel are good for you rather than using the car. It highlights the wider benefits of lowering your individual carbon footprint. This encourages them to be sustainable members of the community.

Peer-to-peer engagement is used to deliver the JTA scheme. It promotes road safety and active travel within the school community in a fun and engaging way. The resources provide the school and the pupils with tools to share the messages. This helps teach children important life skills.

We will provide participating schools with guidance documents, posters, presentations, and lesson plans.

The resources can be used by children who are home-schooled.

All JTA activities contribute towards Modeshift STARS accreditation. 

Contact roadsafety@iow.gov.uk for more information.