Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2025 to 2026
End of consultation: 23 Sep 2024
Each year the council must decide whether to change the Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) Scheme for working age applicants in its area.
The changes will only affect working age claimants who currently receive LCTS or who may apply in the future.
The locally agreed changes we are consulting upon do not affect people of pension age. The LCTS rules for these claimants are set nationally by the government.
The LCTS Scheme replaced the old Council Tax Benefit Scheme in 2013.
Consultation Activity:
The online questionnaire seeks your views and suggestions to help us design the scheme for 2025/26.
We would like the consultation to be as wide as possible and invite responses from all interested parties, including LCTS claimants and potential claimants, council taxpayers, other residents, businesses, town, parish and community councils, the voluntary sector and advocates and representative groups.
We will also be consulting with the police and crime commissioner who is a statutory consultee and with other support agencies about the proposed options.
To provide your response, please visit
There are no closed consultations
Please use the Current or Previous tabs for viewing consultations
Island Planning Strategy consultation
End of consultation: 19 Aug 2024
We are preparing a new local plan called the Island Planning Strategy. This is to replace the Island Plan Core Strategy.
Consultation on the expansion of Medina House School
End of consultation: 12 Jul 2024
Expansion of Medina House School, Newport, IOW. The proposal includes expanding the agreed place number from 104 to 138 from 1 September 2024.
Anti-Poverty Strategy Residents Survey
End of consultation: 17 May 2024
Background: The Isle of Wight Council is working together with voluntary service organisations and partners on the Island to understand how we can all work together to support Islanders who may be living in poverty.
Traffic Regulation Orders - Ryde, Newport, Seaview, East Cowes
End of consultation: 03 May 2024
We are currently consulting on Traffic Regulation Orders relating to:
Well Street, Ryde
We are proposing a one-hour limited waiting parking bays in front of the new dentist/nursery building; this proposal is in line with all limited parking bays in the area, it is designed to accommodate town centre/dentist visitors’ needs during the day, and local residents’ overnight parking needs.
Spring Lane, Newport
We are proposing to closure the ford crossing for vehicular access in order to enable physical enhancements on Lukely Brook and to improve the ecological resilience and quality of the watercourse.
High Street, Seaview
We are proposing a short stretch of a no waiting parking restriction (double yellow lines) because any vehicle parked in this location has a potential to cause traffic flow obstruction/ques and access issues.
Church Path, East Cowes
There are old yellow lines remaining on street in Church Path and due to the current unsafe parking in the area we are now proposing the make the lines enforceable by introducing a formal no waiting parking restriction.
Sex Establishment Licensing Policy – Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – Schedule 3 Police and Crime Act 2009 – Section 27
End of consultation: 05 Apr 2024
Background: The Isle of Wight Council’s Sex Establishment Licensing Policy is currently being reviewed. The Licensing Authority is required to regularly review the policy to include guide applicants through the Licensing process and to assist councillors in their decision making with regards to permitting Sex Establishments.
As part of the review process the Licensing Authority is required to provide a consultation period to seek the views of the; Responsible Authorities, local residents and businesses that may be affected by the changes included in the policy.
Draft health contributions supplementary planning document
End of consultation: 02 Apr 2024
The Isle of Wight Council is consulting on the draft Health Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.
The draft SPD outlines how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) decide what improvements to health infrastructure may be needed in particular areas of the Island. These improvements would be for infrastructure only (e.g. new or extended health premises) and not health services (e.g. more GPs).
The document sets out how the ICB will use evidence relating to the following to calculate whether contributions are required:
- the capacity of existing health facilities in an area
- current patient list sizes
- size and space standards for new health facilities
- the cost of building new health facilities
The draft SPD then identifies how the amount of money a developer may have to pay towards these improvements is worked out and also what size of new development may have to pay.
A3056 - Traffic Regulation Order Consultation
End of consultation: 29 Mar 2024
We are consulting on the several speed limit changes as part of the A3056 Safer Roads Fund Project.
Last year Isle of Wight Council was awarded £2.1m from the Department for Transport's Safer Roads Fund for major safety improvements to one of the Island’s busiest roads, the A3056 between Blackwater and Lake.
The proposed Traffic Regulation Orders include variable speed limits near to primary schools in Arreton and Lake at times when children will be arriving and leaving.
Other proposed changes along the route include 40mph limits on short stretches of the road where there are significant concerns over the number and severity of accidents.
School Transport Policy Consultation
End of consultation: 13 Mar 2024
Background: The Council is required by law to consult on any changes to is it’s School Transport Policy.
We would like to hear from you about the proposed changes to the School Transport Policy (known before as the ‘Home to School Transport Policy’).
The School Transport Policy sets out the legal responsibilities of the Council. It has to provide assistance with transport to school or education setting for children and young people living in the local authority area.
The findings of the consultation will be published and presented to Isle of Wight Council Cabinet in 2024.
The findings will help the Council make a decision on:
- the proposed changes to the policy
- how they deliver transport assistance
Post 16 Transport Consultation
End of consultation: 13 Mar 2024
Background: The Post 16 Transport Policy is consulted on annually. We would like to here from you about the proposed changes.
Approved changes to the policy will apply to new applications from September 2024.
The findings of the consultation will be published and presented to Isle of Wight Council Cabinet in 2024.
The findings will help the Council decide on:
- the proposed changes to the policy
- how they deliver transport assistance
Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
End of consultation: 08 Mar 2024
The Isle of Wight Council is consulting on the Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (PDF, 2MB). It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions.
Sustainable Drainage Systems, or SuDS, are a way to manage surface water. They copy the way that rainwater drains in a natural landscape.
The draft supplementary planning document outlines the design principles required to deliver SuDS on the Isle of Wight. It provides advice on including SuDS within any new development.
This guidance is for practical use by those looking to develop at any scale. It is also for designers of surface water drainage systems.
The guide is relevant to all those involved in the new development, whether in:
- master planning
- design
- approval
- construction
- maintenance
It can be used by anyone looking to find out more about SuDS.
The SPD is intended to assist developers and property owners to deliver SuDS which:
- prevent and reduce surface water flooding
- have clear responsibilities for future maintenance and management
- are appropriate to the island, its geology and hydrology
- deliver social, environmental and financial benefits
- aim to meet a range of sustainability and place-making objectives
Street Furniture Licensing Policy Highways Act 1980 Section 115E
End of consultation: 25 Feb 2024
The Isle of Wight Council’s Street Furniture Licensing Policy intends to update the authority's Highway Permissions Policy and aims to support businesses understand where the placing of objects or structures on the highway may be permitted.
The council encourages the effective use of street furniture and recognises their provision can make a positive contribution to the quality of the streetscape. However, without careful consideration, street furniture may have the opposite effect on the local area.
Traffic Regulations Orders (TRO) District 4
End of consultation: 16 Feb 2024
The council is currently part-way through an Island wide review of traffic regulation orders.
The process for introducing changes on the highway is regulated by the law. Every proposal is advertised in the press, inviting public feedback to be given within 28 days of the proposal notice. This is called a formal TRO consultation.
We are consulting on the following areas as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation:
- Sandown
- Shanklin
Budget 2024/25
End of consultation: 26 Jan 2024
Residents and organisations, council tax and business rate payers are invited to have their say on the council’s budget and council tax for 2024/25.
More than 1,000 responses were received for the last budget consultation. It would be great to increase that number and hear from more of you.
We won’t get all the information from government that we need to complete the budget until the New Year. While we carry on working on it we would like to hear your views about the important choices we need to make.
This short consultation should take less than five minutes of your time to complete.
You can also email any comments or suggestions to
This email address has been set up to only collect budget consultation comments. It is not suitable for service enquiries.
Community Safety Partnership Survey 2023
End of consultation: 12 Jan 2024
Island residents are being asked to complete a short survey about their feelings around community safety on the Island.
Colin Rowlands, the council's director of communities, said: “I would urge Islanders to have their say and let us know the issues that are most important to them.
“A major plus for the Island is our safe and strong communities, and research does bear out the Isle of Wight is one of the safest places to live in the UK.
"However, the council and its partners are keen to make it even safer and we need help in understanding where we should focus our strategy so please ask family, friends and neighbours to fill it in.”
Superintendent Rob Mitchell, the Area Commander for policing on the Isle of Wight, said: “Our constabulary is going through a period of change to deliver a more effective area based policing model.
"This means a renewed drive to deliver excellent local policing, an even better service to victims and a relentless pursuit of criminals. To do this we need to ensure that we are listening and responding to local community concerns
“My teams set monthly priorities for policing on the Island and the survey will help to guide our work and that of our partner organisations."
Isle of Wight Council Licensing Policies Review
End of consultation: 17 Oct 2023
The Isle of Wight Council’s current Licensing Act 2003 Policy was approved in January 2019 and to ensure compliance with Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 the Licensing Authority is required to review the policy every five years.
As part of the policy review the Licensing Authority is required to provide a consultation period to seek the views of the responsible authorities, local people, businesses, and other organisations that may be affected by the changes.
Planning statement of community involvement
End of consultation: 04 Aug 2023
Our current Statement of Community Involvement was published in 2015. We have updated this and are currently seeking your view. It sets out how and when we will seek the views of local people, business and key organisations on local planning matters. It also includes new information relating to neighbourhood plans.
Draft Housing Affordability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
End of consultation: 28 Jul 2023
Background: The draft Housing Affordability SPD updates the information that needs to be considered and provided relating to planning applications involving the provision of affordable housing on the island.
The document purpose is to provide all parties with clear guidance on the types of affordable housing being sought, the target mix and the data sources to be used to identify local affordable housing requirements. It also outlines the affordable housing process and different types of affordable housing including First Homes. The SPD supports the implementation of the Island Plan Core Strategy 2012 Policy DM4 'Local Affordable Housing' criteria 3 and 4.
Customer experience survey
End of consultation: 17 Jul 2023
Background: We’re currently reviewing our customer service approach and are conducting some research about your customer experience.
We'd like to know a little bit about your customer service expectations, how you contact us and why, and your experience when you do. This will help us to understand more about what you expect from our service and how we might improve so that we can best support our community.
Extra care housing
End of consultation: 04 Jul 2023
Background: We are currently researching potential interest in Extra Care Housing on the Island. We’d like to hear from people aged 50 and over.
Extra care housing is typically defined as accommodation that is age and/or disability-friendly in design and decor and features the availability of care and support around the clock, usually provided by an onsite care service which is registered with the Care Quality Commission. The facilities at extra care schemes generally include:
- Fully self-contained properties where occupants have their own front doors, these might be rented or bought.
- Within the properties there may be a call-button alarm service and other systems designed to assist the people who live there.
- Safety and security are built into the design with fob or person-controlled entry.
- A range of communal or shared facilities are available enabling group or community social activities.
- Most schemes also have a restaurant or dining room where people may choose to have their meals.
- Access to onsite care and support services 24 hours a day.
Extra care housing often includes leisure facilities like gym, hair salon, etc. There are often guest flats or bedrooms, where visiting family or friends can stay.
Properties in extra care housing schemes can be bought outright, bought as shared ownership or rented. In addition to the rental costs extra care housing will usually require the people who live there to pay monthly fees which cover service and/or wellbeing charges.
Some examples of extra care housing on the Isle of Wight are Ryde Village in Ryde and Green Meadows in Freshwater.
Medina House School consultation
End of consultation: 19 May 2023
Background: The Isle of Wight Council is committed to a programme of improving inclusive provision across the school system. We aim to meet the needs of all children and young people effectively within their local schools on the Island.
Information about the proposals to increase the Agreed Place Number (APN) is available on the schools consultation web page.
Newport High Street Traffic Regulation Order
End of consultation: 12 May 2023
The proposed new traffic regulations form part of the first phase of a People First Zone project, which aims to improve the pedestrian environment, making Newport’s High Street a more pleasant place to shop and spend time.
The project also forms part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone (HAZ), regenerating Newport’s historic high street, with funding from Historic England, Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council and Isle of Wight Council.
The HAZ team is working in partnership with Southern Water to introduce new sustainable drainage systems into the street where possible. This is being designed to reduce combined sewer overflows into Island waterways.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy
End of consultation: 21 Apr 2023
We have created a draft Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) strategy about the future of electric vehicles and the public chargepoints that will be required to support them on the Island.
We would like to hear the views of residents, visitors, businesses and anyone else within an interest in chargepoint provision.
This will help us to understand more about the ambitions, challenges, and opportunities to move this strategy forward.
Outcome :
Proposed change of age-range at the Island Learning Centre
End of consultation: 24 Feb 2023
The Isle of Wight Council is committed to a programme of improving inclusive provision across the school system. We aim to meet the needs of all children and young people effectively within their local schools on the Island.
The council would like to hear your views on plans to change the age range at the Island Learning Centre (ILC).
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) - new football ground development
End of consultation: 24 Feb 2023
The process for introducing changes on the highway is regulated by the law. Every proposal is advertised in the press, inviting public feedback to be given within 28 days of the proposal notice. This is called a formal Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) consultation.
The council is currently consulting on a TRO proposal related to the New Football ground development in Whippingham.Budget consultation 2023/24
End of consultation: 30 Jan 2023
Background: Isle of Wight residents and organisations, council tax and business rate payers are invited to have their say on the council’s budget and council tax for 2023/24.
A short and focused survey seeks to understand how Islanders would prioritise spending for the next financial year.
Recycling and waste survey 2022
End of consultation: 23 Jan 2023
Background: We are asking for your views and ideas on how the Island can recycle more and reduce its waste.
Your feedback will be used to help shape future initiatives.
School admissions consultation 2024-25
End of consultation: 06 Jan 2023
Background: This consultation is about main round and in-year admissions for the school year 2024/25. The consultation seeks to establish the admissions policy for admission to Isle of Wight Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools.
The Isle of Wight Council must by law determine, before 28 February 2023, the arrangements that will apply to school admissions in the academic year 2024/25.
This includes a six-week consultation period which will end on 6 January 2023.
2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies
End of consultation: 05 Dec 2022
Background: The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is redrawing constituency boundaries in order to rebalance the number of electors represented by each MP, and a final consultation on proposed new constituencies is now open.
Constituency boundaries are changing, and it’s your final chance to help shape the new map.
BCE is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency.
Constituency boundaries are changing, and it’s your final chance to help shape the new map.
The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency. Constituency boundaries are changing, and it’s your final chance to help shape the new map.
The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency.
Constituency sizes currently vary widely due to population changes since the last boundary review. The new map proposed by the Commission will make sure each constituency has between 69,724 and 77,062 electors, so that each MP represents roughly the same number of electors. However, there are five ‘protected’ constituencies across the country, including two on the Isle of Wight.
The 2023 Boundary Review also requires that the number of constituencies in England increases from 533 to 543.
Childcare places survey
End of consultation: 02 Dec 2022
Background: We would like to hear the views of parents and carers of Early Years children and primary school aged children.
This will help us to understand current and future childcare services on the Island and develop a statutory report called the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment.
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) District 5
End of consultation: 28 Oct 2022
The process for introducing changes on the highway is regulated by the law. Every proposal is advertised in the press, inviting public feedback to be given within 28 days of the proposal notice. This is called a formal TRO consultation.
The council is currently part-way through an Island wide review of traffic regulation orders. The current proposals mainly cover the Southern side of the Island.
Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) 2023-24
End of consultation: 28 Sep 2022
There are more than 5,000 Isle of Wight residents on lower incomes who are presently in receipt of local council tax support.
In the context of the current cost-of-living crisis, this consultation is open over the next two months to consider whether the scheme that supports these Islanders should be amended. The implications of changes to the scheme could affect both recipients of local council tax support as well as users of council services more widely and therefore will be open to all residents to participate.
Coastal defences at Yaverland and Shanklin - Environment Agency
End of consultation: 31 Aug 2022
Residents and visitors on the Isle of Wight are being encouraged to share their views on the coastal frontages at Shanklin and Yaverland.
The Environment Agency, in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council, are working together alongside industry experts to reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion to more than 600 properties in Shanklin and Yaverland.
Both projects are still in the development stages, so gathering what people value most about these important coastal frontages now is invaluable.
District 3 traffic regulation orders
End of consultation: 29 Jul 2022
We are currently part-way through an Island wide review of traffic regulation orders. The current proposals mainly cover the Eastern side of the Island. They have been drawn up from suggestions made since 2013. The plans were agreed with the police, before consulting with town and parish councils and local elected members at the end of 2021.
All the current live proposals are within District 3, which covers:
- Ryde and Binstead
- Brading
- Wootton
- Fishbourne
- Seaview
- St Helens
- Bembridge.
Pharmaceutical needs assessment
End of consultation: 17 Jul 2022
Background: The Health and Wellbeing Board must consult on the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) every three years. The PNA details your needs, as island residents, in relation to pharmacy services in the area. It also considers if the service location is suitable for the local population and identifies any possible gaps.
Learning Disability and Autism strategy
End of consultation: 31 May 2022
Background: With our partners we want the views of Islanders with autism and learning disabilities. This will help us refresh our local strategies.
The survey aims to find out about your experiences of services on the Island and what can be improved.
The survey aims to find out about your experiences of services on the Island and what can be improved. You can complete the survey below. Paper copies are also available from our libraries or County Hall. The survey aims to find out about your experiences of services on the Island and what can be improved. You can complete the survey below. Paper copies are also available from our libraries or County Hall.
Newport Harbour General Directions
End of consultation: 25 Mar 2022
Background: To assist in the management of Newport Harbour in accordance with the Port Marine Safety Code, the Isle of Wight Council (as statutory harbour authority) has been granted the power to give General Directions under the Newport (Isle of Wight) Harbour Revision Order 2021.
In accordance with the guidance within the Port Marine Safety Code, we have conducted a review of our current powers to manage activities within Newport Harbour. We have concluded that a comprehensive set of General Directions should be adopted.
Taxi fares
End of consultation: 25 Mar 2022
Background: Following a request from the taxi trade, our Licensing Committee decided on 28 February 2022 to vary the Hackney Carriage Table of Fares.
Homelessness Strategy
End of consultation: 23 Mar 2022
Draft Newport Harbour Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document
End of consultation: 21 Mar 2022
Background: Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) are documents which add further detail to the policies in the Local Plan. They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites or on particular issues, such as design. Supplementary planning documents are capable of being a material consideration in planning decisions but are not part of the development plan.
Autumn half term consultation
End of consultation: 18 Mar 2022
Background: We are considering changes to the autumn half term holiday from 2023/24 onwards. Before making any changes we are asking schools, parents and island residents to give their views about the school holiday calendar.