Apply for community grant, HSF

Funded by UK Government Logo

Community and voluntary organisations, town, parish and community councils can apply for grant funding to support local initiatives tailored to local need, helping to provide vulnerable families with food, utilities and keeping warm

Applications are open from 

  • 28 May to 3 June 2024
  • 24 to 28 June 2024
  • 29 July to 2 August 2024
  • 27 August to 2 September 2024

Who can apply?

Organisations wishing to apply for a grant must be a registered community or voluntary sector organisation, including town, parish and community councils, charities, faith groups, schools, colleges, and early years settings.

An Isle of Wight Council cross-directorate evaluation panel will meet following the application window to consider applications for funding and will contact applicants directly with the initial outcome of their application. Agreed applications will be submitted for final approval and those approved will be funded within approximately 1 week following receipt of the full, signed agreement.

We will be proactively encouraging organisations to apply for this grant in order to target households struggling with the cost of food and utilities.

How to apply

Read the information provided below before completing the application form

Download and complete the form

We are working towards fully digital online forms. In the meantime, if you require these forms in an alternative format, you can contact

Submit your application form in its current format along with the signed guidance document. If your application is approved, you will need to return a signed copy of the community grant agreement.

Applicants must also ensure that their intended project does not duplicate existing sources of support put in place through the HSF programme.  They must also confirm that the required reporting is submitted by the requested deadlines or risk having to return the funding.