Smoking: be smart, just don’t start

Smoking is not only addictive, it can also reduce your physical fitness, stain your teeth, cause skin problems and cigarettes are full of dangerous chemicals which are harmful to your body!

Think you know the facts? Make sure you know what cigarettes do to you.

Myth just one cigarette, what's the big deal? Reality check cigarettes stick!
  • Cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. This is especially true for children and young people and can affect brain development. 
  • Think you won’t get addicted to nicotine? So do most young people, they then find it difficult to stop smoking once they start. 
  • It’s a slippery slope! Cigarette cravings start from having as little as just one cigarette a month!  

Don’t put your health and future at risk. 

Young person on mobile phone

Life can be stressful sometimes, but smoking only makes your stress worse

Smoking might feel like it relaxes you. Actually, it makes feelings of low mood or anxiety worse. Nicotine withdrawal effects can leave you feeling anxious again and then you’ll want to reach for another cigarette, creating a nicotine addiction cycle. 

There are healthier ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Follow the five ways to wellbeing

No one needs a toxic ‘friend’ in their life 

Did you know? Tobacco is the only legal consumer product that kills when used as instructed by the manufacturer. 

There are over 7,000 toxic chemicals in every puff of cigarette. There is no such thing as a safe level of smoking. Every cigarette causes harm to your body. 


Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death and illness across the UK. Health effects due to smoking include cancer and heart disease. Want to stay in peak physical health? Smoking can make asthma worse, make your heart work harder, cause tooth loss and a lot more health conditions. 

Peer pressure? Need to talk?

There are healthier ways to deal with stress

  • talk to an adult you trust like your parent, carer or teacher
  • free confidential advice and support is available. Health for Young People offers free confidential health and wellbeing support for young people
  • InclusionIOW offers free, honest, practical advice and information about drugs, alcohol and substance misuse
  • YoungMinds offers support with young people’s mental wellbeing
  • Isorropia Foundation offers mental health and wellbeing support through engaging workshops for adults 18 and over, with an additional specialised pathway for those aged 16 to 25 years old
  • other national and local advice and support services are listed on the Mental Wellbeing pages of our website 
  • Wellbeing Self Help - IOW Youth Trust webpage has useful tips about managing stress

Want to quit smoking or vaping?

You are not alone. Smokefree Island is a free, confidential stop smoking service. It offers support to help anyone on the Isle of Wight over the age of 12.

Everyone’s quitting journey is different Smokefree Island will help you find what works for you quit for good.

You can talk to the service online, over the phone or face to face. There’s personalised support and nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine gums and patches.

You can also speak to your school nurse, welfare officer or healthcare professional about quitting.

Get help to stop smoking - you can do it.